This Cochrane Group is no longer active

Due to changes in NIHR funding in evidence synthesis, this Cochrane Group is no longer active. We are so grateful for the work of our contributors.

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Cochrane rapid review on health care worker adherence to infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance

In response to Covid-19, Cochrane has carried out a rapid review of factors influencing health care workers’ adherence to infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance, led by Evidence Synthesis Ireland.

As part of this work, the review authors have developed a series of implementation considerations for health facilities and others:
. This review summary has been translated into Norwegian, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
The summarised implementation considerations could be highly relevant to people currently planning or implementing IPC strategies. Please help us disseminate this summary to relevant environments.

The full review is now available on the Cochrane Library here:

A podcast recorded by the lead author is available here:

A full news item is available here:

This review is summarised by the Evidently Cochrane blog here alongside an updated review published by Cochrane Work.

Summary of Evidently Cochrane PPE blog

29 April 2020